Roadrunner's Dance

1. interfere: When you interfere you stop something or get in the way.
    Example: Rainy weather can interfere with our plans to play sports outdoors.

2. awkward: An awkward person does not move with grace and ease.
    Example: Adam was so awkward that he tripped over his own feet.

3. proclaimed: If you proclaimed something, you spoke about it loudly and publicly.
    Example: When few people could read, a town crier proclaimed the latest news.

4. agile: A person or animal that is agile moves quickly and easily.
    Example: The old cat is still agile enough to climb a tree.

5. guardian: A guardian watches over or protects people and things.
    Example: A female bird is often the guardian of her nest, while the male searches for food.

6. convinced: If you convinced someone to do something, you persuaded them to do it.
    Example: Jamal convinced his dad to give him an allowance.