Mystic Horse

1. sores: If someone has sores on his body, he has places on his skin that are broken and painful.
    Example: We cleaned the dog's sores and put bandages on them.

2. loosened: If you loosened something, you made it less tight.
    Example: Dad loosened his tie when he left work.

3. mysterious: If something is mysterious, it is hard to understand or explain.
    Example: The woods seemed dark and mysterious in the moonlight.

4. amazement: When something creates amazement, it causes surprise and wonder. 
    Example: We stared in amazement at the acrobats far above us.

5. midst: If you are in the midst of something, you are in the middle of it.
    Example: In the midst of our social studies lesson, the fire drill began.

6. responsibility: Having a responsibility means having a job or duty to perform.
    Example: Clearing the table after supper is my responsibility.